Case Bundle 2

Ali Ladha
3 min readJan 30, 2021

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is basically a tool for your website to improve search engine results. By posting relevant and consistent images and short videos, you can also be easily identified by your audience. Internet users have a wide range of interests and are concerned with the content they like. Like Pinterest, Marketing Looking for More Pins. Do you want more traffic? Would you like to see your pins inserted more often? They should complement your convincing offer and also be action-oriented. In the first few sentences, create a link that takes the reader to the website page where they should “take action”. For example, a marketing campaign that reaches 50 million people will cost a lot more than a campaign that reaches 5000 people. Don’t just spend your money. Make sure you are strategic when paying for promotions. If you have an editorial calendar, these are an excellent addition. Find out how to connect your brand with these important days. Use Dark Posts to Hide Facebook Ads We are constantly told that we need to make sure we’re on social media in order for the use of dark Facebook posts to sound inconsistent. They also tend to use Facebook Messenger and act as a starting point to connect with friends, then jump to other apps like Instagram. Instagram When it comes to teenagers, Instagram is one of the most widely used social media apps. You also need to focus on the subject line. Marketing online is very competitive which means you need to do a few things to get your share of the traffic. Let’s look at some of the things you can do. Have great promotional materials, Promotional materials continue to be a highly effective form of advertising, especially corporate gifts. Start small for your first video, expand your skills and you will succeed.

Google Adwords

Clicks A click (sometimes referred to as a click-through) occurs when a user views your ad and clicks on the ad’s title, leading them to your website. — CTR) The number of clicks your ad will receive divided by the number of times your ad was displayed (impressions) via Google search only. Each of your ads and keywords has its own CTR, which is only relevant to your campaign’s performance. Keyword is a sure indicator of a keyword’s relevance to users and overall success. keywords. For example, a well-targeted keyword that shows a similarly targeted ad is very likely to have a higher CTR than a generic keyword with non-specific ad text. The more related and relevant your keywords and ads to each other and your business are, the more likely a user will click on your ad after searching for your keyword phrase. low keyword performance, indicating a need for ad or keyword optimization. So you can use CTR to evaluate which ads and keywords are not performing well for you and then optimize those ads and keywords.CTR is also used to determine Quality Score. of your keyword. A higher CTR and Quality Score can lead to lower costs and higher ad position.

The keyword you create for certain ad groups is used to target your ad to potential customers.For example, if you deliver fresh flowers, you can use ‘deliver Fresh flowers’ as a keyword in my AdWords campaign. When a Google user enters ‘fresh flower delivery’ in Google search, your ad could appear next to the search results. In addition, your ad can appear on sites and products in the Google Network that are related to your keywords. yourself for the most interested users. This will improve your ad’s performance and help you keep your cost-per-click (CPC) low.

